Department of Holistic Health and Wellbeing

The course offers ‘Planet’ understanding from the perspective of creation consciousness in a spectrum of seven facets and their deep interconnectedness is understood. For example the climate change and global warming that the planet is experiencing and intervention regarding the same has huge entrepreneurial scope. But requires the right comprehension of the true cause and effect, in order to design and offer a pragmatic redressed entrepreneurial intervention programs.

‘People’ understanding begins by knowing about us in a holistic manner which is essential in effectively dealing behavior related health and wellbeing issues that plagues humanity. One of the primary reasons for this is the prevalent symptomatic treatment and medical intervention that is being offered by modern medicine coupled with the pursuit of the costly path of germ-warfare research and manufacture by pharmaceutical giants and high-technology diagnostic and surgical solutions. Given this existing scenario there is a great need for cost effective efficient and lasting health solutions and for exploiting this market a holistic understanding of the person is essential. A holistic understanding also benefits the individual in discovering their triune nature of spirit mind and body and in their synergy overcomes through resistance and protest.

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